Hannity rips Mueller’s career: ‘Anything but impeccable’

Source: The Hill | March 21, 2018 | Julia Manchester

Conservative talk show host Sean Hannity ripped special counsel Robert Mueller late Tuesday, saying his career has been “anything but impeccable.”

“Everybody says, ‘He’s the greatest guy in the whole wide world. Just trust us!’ Well, members of Congress, the mainstream media, they’ve been trying to convince you the special counsel – he is beyond reproach. Sort of like climate change. ‘Oh, nobody disagrees with us. No scientist does.’ That’s not true either! ‘Mueller is the utmost man of integrity,’ ” Hannity said on his Fox News show.

“Well, we’ve been doing some digging and we found some things you need to know about,” Hannity added.

Hannity made a reference to Mueller’s involvement in the Whitey Bulger case in Boston in the 1980s. Mueller handled the case, in which four men were wrongfully found guilty of murder, while he was an assistant U.S. attorney.

“Robert Mueller was the U.S. attorney in charge while these men were rotting in prison while certain agents in the FBI under Mueller covered up the truth,” Hannity said.

“They’ve never investigated him! They’ve actually just lying! It’s their talking point!” he said.

“All of the information we’re telling you about is right there, right in front of the liberal mainstream media in their faces, but they purposefully ignore it because their ‘destroy Trump’ agenda, that goes above all else.”

The host’s comments come as President Trump has ramped up his attacks on Mueller in recent days, stoking speculation the president may move to fire the special counsel.


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