Here's why I'm still terrified about a Trump presidency

Source: Washington Examiner | November 9, 2016 | Philip Klein


For many conservatives who held onto their vow never to support Trump, one aspect of it was their belief that he wouldn’t actually govern as a conservative. But that was only one aspect of it – much more significantly, many of us thought he was fundamentally unfit to be president and could do grave damage to our republic and constitutional order. It’s one thing to live with Republican president who doesn’t follow through on his pledges to pursue items on the conservative agenda — we’ve lived through big government Republican presidents before. But there are much deeper threats presented by a Trump presidency. Now that it’s reality, here are the things that worry me most.

America’s military might in the hands of a thin-skinned megalomaniac


Using law enforcement tools to go after political opponents


Escalating racial tensions


Further expansion of executive power


Attacks on the free press


I’m glad that Trump was gracious in his acceptance speech, and I’ve never before wanted to be proven as wrong about anything as I do about my fears over a Trump presidency.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #11299

    Dom Ruinart #11318

    The biggest fear we should all have is the colossal ignorance of a septuagenarian who doesn’t even know how a bill becomes law.

    ConservativeGranny #11322

    That is where Mike Pence comes in. I think the GOP has a list of people who be propping Trump up and filling in the enormous empty holes in his education.

    Trump will play act at being the President while others do the heavy lifting. Or least we can pray they will.

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