House to vote on undiluted Russia sanctions deal next week

Source: The Hill | July 22, 2017 | Cristina Marcos

The House is slated to vote Tuesday on bipartisan legislation to limit the Trump administration’s ability to lift sanctions on Russia.

The White House had urged lawmakers to water down the provisions limiting its ability to lift sanctions. But the legislation is expected to head to President Trump’s desk without the requested changes.

Procedural hangups had stalled the legislation in the House for weeks after the Senate passed it by a vote of 98-2 last month but negotiators reached a deal that was unveiled on Saturday.

The legislation will be considered under an expedited process that requires a two-thirds majority for passage. That also means it’ll pass by a veto-proof majority.

In addition to imposing new sanctions on Russia, the legislation allows lawmakers to vote to block the Trump administration from making changes to sanctions policy.


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