If Trump Doesn’t Understand 156 Year Old Political Rules, How Will He Understand

Source: The Resurgent | April 11, 2016 | Erick Erickson

If Trump Doesn’t Understand 156 Year Old Political Rules, How Will He Understand the Presidency?

Donald Trump is again complaining about the delegate rules of the Republican Party — delegate rules that have existed in various forms for 156 years. In fact, the present delegate rules have not really changed in decades, requiring that the nominee of the party get a majority of the delegates of the party to be the party’s nominee.


But along the way, both Trump and his supporters have taken to whining incessantly about the majority requirement. Publicly they think it should be changed to a plurality, though neither the delegate rules nor the Electoral College rules will be changed from majority to plurality.

Just because Donald Trump has the most delegates does not mean he has a majority of delegates. The rules matter.


That Trump has, for this long, surrounded himself with people who clearly failed to accurately advise him on the delegate rules is troubling. We know that Trump’s foreign affairs advisors are not really top men and, frankly, some are staggeringly unqualified. Likewise, we know Trump has barely met with them.


If Donald Trump cracks over a 156 year tradition of requiring a majority of delegates for the Republican nomination how is he going to understand the demands of the Presidency? If Trump claims he surrounds himself with top men and those top men advised him so poorly on the delegate issue, how can we be reassured he won’t make the same mistakes in a Presidential administration?

Thankfully that is unlikely to happen.

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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #4243

    mostlyhomebound #4250

    Hitler was elected with a plurality.

    ConservativeGranny #4262

    Wait until Trump discovers there is this document called The Constitution.

    mostlyhomebound #4287

    If elected, Herr stump would push Congress for enabling legislation and threaten the Court not to declare such legislation unconstitutional.

    ConstitutionalConservative #4289

    Conservative Granny wrote:

    Wait until Trump discovers there is this document called The Constitution

    Yes indeed I can hear Trump now saying he had his lawyer read the Constitution and in typical trumpertantrum style begin screaming the Constitution is NOT FAIR folks, it’s NOT FAIR, I am thinking about suing it is NOT FAIR, NOT FAIR, we are not being treated fairly.


    silver pines #4320

    He won’t understand the Presidency; it’s beyond him. I know his bootlickers think he’s some kind of genius, but he’s just a stupid gasbag who goes around selling his name to people so they can stick it on things.

    mostlyhomebound #4323

    Herr stump proves you can go far in the world… if you inherit gobs of daddy’s money.

    silver pines #4498

    Herr stump proves you can go far in the world… if you inherit gobs of daddy’s money.

    Oh, nooooo! You don’t understand MR. DONALD TRUMP! His incredible wealth is a result of his unique brilliant mind and his unequaled business skills! And he created that tacky gold-plated penthouse out of thin air. All he did was snap his fingers and it appeared, because MR. DONALD TRUMP is magic!

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