In other news, we just changed our UN vote on the Cuba embargo

Source: Hot Air | October 27, 2016 | Jazz Shaw

Here’s yet another story which largely slipped through the cracks in the final days until the election. Every year the United Nations holds a symbolic vote on ending the Cuban embargo. The US has stood almost alone in this perennial song and dance for many years, voting in favor of keeping up the embargo and isolating the Castro regime because of their legendary human rights abuses. But yesterday, thanks to Barack Obama and UN Ambassador Samantha Power, that changed. The United States abstained. (CNN)

It’s been a fall ritual in New York for a quarter century. Holiday shopping, the city’s marathon, and the US voting against the rest of the world at the UN over Washington’s Cuba embargo.

On Wednesday, however, the US took the small but significant step of changing its vote to an abstention on the annual UN General Assembly resolution calling for an end to the US economic embargo of the island nation.

For 25 years, the US has been on the losing end of the lopsided, if legally non-binding, vote. Traditionally, only a handful of smaller nations side with the US. This time, the US and Israel alone abstained, while the 191 other UN member countries voted for the resolution.

Power was quick to note on social media that this wasn’t a full throated endorsement of the Castro brothers and that there were still significant issues with their record on human rights, but it represented a softening of the official American position on the subject. We were joined in this action only by Israel. Everyone else voted to lift the embargo entirely.


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