Jonah Goldberg: James Comey’s Donald Trump Story Still Holds Water

Source: National Review | June 8, 2017 | Jonah Goldberg


In the broad scheme of things, I think Comey’s account still holds water. Of course, Trump’s lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, doesn’t agree. But Kasowitz effort to insinuate that Comey’s testimony is simultaneously full of lies but also utterly vindicating simply cannot withstand two seconds of logical contemplation. And I agree with Kevin, that if you think there’s more reason to believe Comey is a liar than Trump, you may want to cut back on the Kool-Aid.

But I agree that the case for obstruction will be hard to make for the reasons Rich lays out over at Politico:


While this seems right to me, it elides a bit over the fact that Trump did (allegedly) ask Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn. It seems to me there are two possible explanations for this. The Democratic interpretation is surely going to be that Flynn is the key to the whole conspiracy and that’s why Trump wanted him off the hook. I wouldn’t be shocked to see “Flip Flynn!” T-shirts at the next march on Washington.

Meanwhile, the White House interpretation is that Trump likes Flynn and is loyal to him. Trump just thinks he’s a “good guy!” — and the president felt bad that he had just fired him. Flynn has suffered enough. Etc.

That’s certainly plausible, though as Kevin intimates, why you would expect anyone but the faithful to take Trump’s word for it is beyond me. Moreover, you have to think Manafort, Page, and Stone wish the president’s loyalty were more widely distributed. And who knows what those guys are apt to do if they feel they’ve been thrown under the bus?

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