K. Conway, Queen Of Trolling, Strikes Again: 'Go By…What's In Trump's Heart'

Source: Daily Wire | January 9, 2017 | Ben Shapiro

In defending Donald Trump from the tender mercies of Meryl Streep, proxy Kellyanne Conway demonstrated that she has become one of the great trolls of modern politics. She’s not just a troll, she’s a cave troll.

Appearing with CNN’s Chris Cuomo while talking about Trump’s alleged mockery of a disabled reporter during the campaign, Conway stated, “Why can’t you give him the benefit of the doubt, the way the benefit of the doubt was given to CNN’s polling, all of its analysts saying –” Cuomo responded, “Because he’s making a disgusting gesture on video talking about Serge.” Conway answered, “Not about that reporter. And that’s just a fact. You should give him the deference and respect…You’re saying you don’t believe him, you’re calling him a liar, and you shouldn’t….Why don’t you believe him?” Cuomo: “Because it doesn’t fit the facts.” Conway: “62 percent of Americans according to CNN’s polling said Hillary Clinton can’t tell the truth about anything, and yet she was given the benefit of the doubt here constantly. You can’t give him the benefit of the doubt on this, and he’s telling you what was in his heart? You always want to go by what’s come out of his mouth rather than what’s in his heart.”

Now, to be fair, it’s disputable whether Trump was mocking Kovaleski’s disability – it’s hard to imagine otherwise given Trump’s prolonged gestures and history of mocking everything up to and including POWs, but he has made similar gestures about others in the past. But it’s her final point here that really goads: that Americans ought to judge what’s in Trump’s heart rather than what comes out of his mouth. How in the world are they supposed to do that? We can only judge each other based on what we say and how we act. We can’t judge each others’ hearts. This is a radical cop out.

And it’s also a worship tactic, not a political one. If we can only hold politicians accountable for their intentions rather than their actions, every politician is a saint: very few politicians intend for terrible things to happen. Very few villains are sadists.


Conway’s trolling wasn’t done yet. After Streep complained that Trump had channeled “disrespect” and “violence,” Conway countered, “We have to now form a government, and I’m concerned that somebody with a platform like Meryl Streep is also, I think, inciting people’s worst instincts.”


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  • Consistent #12678

    ConservativeGranny #12684

    I’m not close enough to Trump to know what is in his heart. I never even met the man. Common sense tells me to judge the man by his words and actions.

    And why are they paying attention to what some nitwit Hollywood actress has to say? Trump and his followers need to develop a thicker skin if they are going to make it through the next 4 years without making idiots of themselves on a daily basis.

    Woodcutter #12686

    Well said, CG!!

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