Kinzinger: Trump was naive on Afghanistan, Biden acted without a plan

Source: The Hill | August 16, 2021 | Olafimihan Oshin

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) on Sunday called out President Biden and former President Trump over the fall of Afghanistan, saying the actions and policies of each leader contributed to the government’s collapse.

In a statement on Sunday, Kinzinger criticized the “shortsighted, weak, and utter failure” on both administrations for letting the Taliban take full control of the country.

“The naïve Trump Administration legitimized the Taliban by having ‘talks’ with them about peace and openly negotiating with terrorists, while the Biden Administration tried to fulfill a campaign promise without any semblance of a plan or forethought into how this would play out,” Kinzinger said. 

“And where are they now? What are they doing to save the countless lives being brutally murdered by the Taliban today?”


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