Lee still not ready to endorse Trump

Source: Washington Examiner | July 18, 2016 | Mariana Barillas

Just days before Donald Trump is expected to claim the GOP nomination, Sen. Mike Lee said he still hasn’t endorsed Trump, and probably won’t.

“I have not endorsed him, that has not changed. I don’t see that changing anytime soon,” the Utah Republican told radio host Glenn Beck on Monday.

“I would love to be won over, I would love to see him embracing federalism and separation of powers, I would love to see him talking about returning power to the people,” Lee added. “I haven’t heard that from him.”

Lee, who is acting as both a delegate and member of the Rules Committee, said he would vote against proposed party rules later on Monday to “make sure that the party establishment at the national level and the state and local level can’t squelch, can’t overtake the voices of grassroots activists.”


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #8158

    ConservativeGranny #8196

    I would hope that he is never ready to vote for Donald Trump. If Trump does a 180 at this point would Lee be falling for it?

    Victoria #8198

    Well, the rules fight is over, being crushed by the RNC, in their usual style – doing whatever they want regardless of truth or legality.

    Who is John Galt? I have gone Galt as regards the Republican Party and this government. I will live my life as the free Christian that I am. I hope to God, I pray to God, do not let Trump win. i do believe we will have WWIII if he is president.

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