Lincoln Project asks in new ad if you trust Trump or Fauci amid attacks

Source: The Hill | July 15, 2020 | Justine Coleman

The Lincoln Project, a Republican anti-Trump super PAC, asks viewers in an ad released Wednesday whether they trust President Trump or Anthony Fauci as the nation’s top infectious diseases expert comes under attack from administration officials.

The ad’s narrator praises Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, calling him an “American hero” and a “natural leader.” His work under six presidents, including under President George H.W. Bush, who celebrated Fauci for his research on AIDS, is also highlighted.

“In a time when truth is under assault, he’s always been straight with us,” the narrator says, citing Fauci’s March testimony in front of Congress predicting that the pandemic “will get worse.”

The ad counters that “President Trump lied,” referring to his repeated claims that the coronavirus will “like a miracle … disappear.”

“Now Donald Trump is attacking Dr. Fauci,” the narrator says. “Why? Because Trump failed America, so he does what he always does: attack and blame.”

The Lincoln Project then poses a question to viewers: “So who do you trust? Donald the Dope? … Or the doctor?”

Reed Galen, a co-founder for The Lincoln Project, said in a statement that Fauci is a “profoundly respected physician, whose work has improved the lives of millions of Americans.” 

“President Trump’s incompetence has cost 130,000 Americans their lives, sickened millions more and wrecked our economy,” he added.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #41131

    EVERYDAY #41152

    Excellent ad. I’ve shared it with several people and they are spreading it far and wide on social media. It’s a must-see for anyone undecided about November.

    Consistent #41161

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