Michael Wolff: People close to Trump 'afraid' for the country

Source: The Hill | January 9, 2018 | Rebecca Savransky

Michael Wolff, the author of the controversial new book on the Trump White House, said people close to President Trump are “afraid” for the country.

Wolff, during an interview with PBS News, said he had no agenda when doing reporting for his book.

“I went into this experience just waiting to hear what people would tell me,” he said.

“And what they told me, the people closest to the president, was that things became more alarming by the day, that all of them, in some way or other, were afraid, afraid for their — both for their own careers and for the country.”

Wolff said people close to the president “just didn’t know what to do.”

“They didn’t know what to expect. They woke up in the morning, and they were in, you know, in something of a cold sweat,” he said.

“Almost all of them — for almost all of them, it was a countdown until when they could leave.”


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