#NeverTrump Crowd Is Not To Blame For Trump's Failing Campaign

Source: IBD | August 15, 2016 | Editorial Staff


Fox News’ Sean Hannity warns that if the #NeverTrump people “keep up their stubbornness and stupid games and continue to lick their wounds this is what they will be responsible for.” He then goes on to recite a list of horrors to be expected from a Clinton administration.

“These are the people I’m talking about,” Hannity said, naming “Bill Kristol, Former Gov. Mitt Romney, Sen. Susan Collins, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Ben Sasse, Lindsey Graham, Meg Whitman and many, many others.”

But there’s no evidence whatsoever to support the claim that a relative handful of Republicans who have publicly forsworn Donald Trump has anything whatsoever to do with Trump’s diminishing chances of victory in November.


Trump’s ardent supporters promised that he would attract new voters to the GOP. They promised he would pivot to become more presidential once he had the nomination sewn up. They said Trump’s unconventional political campaign would work to his advantage in the fall because the public was hungry for an “outsider.” They said he’d be best equipped to take on the Clinton machine.

Instead Trump is turning off independents who had been supporting him. Not only has he not pivoted, but he’s looked less presidential as the election draws near. Trump himself has turned out to be his campaign’s worst enemy, repeatedly squandering golden opportunities, stepping on his own messages, and creating needless controversies. And he’s barely laid a glove on Clinton, who has meanwhile been walking all over Trump.

In other words, Trump’s problems are of his own making.

To be sure, the outcome of this election is still far from certain. But if Trump loses, the people who should be #NeverBlamed are those who correctly identified Trump’s liberal leanings and his weaknesses as a candidate more than a year ago.

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