News Finland to ramp up troop levels amid heightened Russian tensions

Source: Deutsche Welle | February 16, 2017 |

Finland’s government has announced plans to strengthen its military by raising troop levels and increasing defense spending. Helsinki cited concerns over actions by neighboring Russia as a reason for the beef up.

Worried about increasing East-West tensions in the Baltic Sea, Finland announced plans on Thursday to increase its wartime troops by 20 percent, from 230,000 to 280,000.

Finland – which is not a NATO member but has compulsory military service – cut its army down from 350,000 troops to 230,000 in 2012.

The troop boost will “improve the capability to defend the entire territory of the country,” the government wrote in a defense report. Finland shares a 1,340 kilometer (830 mile) border with Russia.

“Russia aims to strengthen its great-power status, and it has expressed the goal of a sphere-of-influence based security regime,” the report said.

The Nordic country also plans to replace its aging naval fleet and its 62 Hornet fighter jets during the next decade.


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