On Ronald Reagan’s birthday, here’s his gift to you

Source: Conservative Review | February 6, 2017 | Craig Shirley, Scott Mauer

Today marks the 106th birthday of President Ronald Wilson Reagan. The former actor, former president of the Screen Actors Guild, former governor of California, and former president certainly has left quite a legacy for the American people, even as the current administration has, in some ways, reverted back to “Big Government Republicanism.”

And Reagan has left a legacy for the Washington establishment.

Throughout both his failed 1976 campaign and his successful 1980 campaign, Reagan was attacked not just from the Left but also from the Right, and from the center. He was “too conservative,” both Democrats and Republicans complained. He was simply “that actor” who had no experience, critiques which deliberately overlooked his two successful terms as governor of California. Not much of a political resume, they said. He would start wars; he would undermine any progress with the Soviet Union (no matter how much of a failure the containment and détente policies were); the list of fears went on and on and on. They charged he would upset the apple cart.

For the establishment of the nation’s capital, those fears would become true.

“You know you don’t have to spend much time in Washington to appreciate the prophetic vision of the man who designed all the streets there. They go in circles,” Reagan quipped in Wyoming in 1982. For President Reagan, the muddling of bureaucracy and the federal government was a main source of contention with the Republican president. This was a platform he ran in 1976 as well, and he prided himself in being the “outsider,” as when he said, “I am not a part of the Washington establishment and I don’t consider that a disadvantage.” He often and accurately called D.C. a “buddy system,” in which D.C. only protects D.C. It has become more intrusive, more coercive, more meddlesome, and less effective.


It was the first salvo launched against Washington and corrupt centralized authority since the first stirrings of the Neal Deal. From 1933 forward, all Democrats and many Republicans believed government was good and more government was better. Reagan began a fierce intellectual debate which continues on to this day. We now look at Washington with mostly contempt and look to ourselves more. This is good as this was the way the framers and founders intended our system to be.

Reagan, who left the presidency in early 1989 and left this earth in mid-2004, has given an ongoing present to us for his birthday. The fight for American liberty and American conservatism and American freedom, dignity and privacy, which he jump-started, lives on, and will continue to live on. This was Reagan’s birthday gift to us.


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    EVERYDAY #13411

    I had lunch with a liberal friend of mine and the topic of Trump and his EO came up. I told my friend that this EO had little to do with illegal immigration and everything to do with Trump wanting to show who is boss. We both agreed that Trump is far too heavy handed in his way of getting things done. I compared him to President Reagan. He knew how to work with congress to accomplish his agenda, but if he encountered opposition, he could get what he wanted though his assertiveness. Trump, on the other hand, is aggressive. He tries to throw his weight around and demean anyone who opposes him. Not a good way to accomplish what he and his supporters want.

    There is a big difference between assertiveness and aggression. Trump needs to learn the difference. If he doesn’t change his approach, I can see this country in a constant state of turmoil with never-ending litigation, protests and maybe even civil war, or even war abroad. His actions will definitely cost the taxpayers money and perhaps in some cases, people will die.

    Anyway, I miss President Reagan. Trump is no Reagan and never will be. Unfortunately, the way this country is now, I don’t see us ever having another president like Ronald Reagan. That’s what makes me sad most of all.

    Rest in peace, President Reagan.

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