Our Air Is Cleaner Than Ever, So Why Do People Think It’s Getting Worse?

Source: Daily Caller | April 22, 2017 | Michael Bastasch

Go outside and take a deep breath. The air is cleaner today than in the 47 years since the first Earth Day celebration in 1970, so why do so many Americans think the environment is getting worse?

Air pollutant concentrations and emissions have plummeted since 1970. The combined emissions of six criteria pollutants regulated monitored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) fell 71 percent in that time.


A recent report published by the Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies (AAPCA) found “Americans are more likely to view the environment as getting worse and express that they worry a great deal about air pollution and the environment in general.”

“Despite tremendous strides in all measures of air quality since 2000, trends in national and international surveys show that there has been little movement in American public perception about air quality,” AAPCA reported.

Based on these worries, Americans regularly support federal and state regulations on emissions from power plants, industrial facilities and vehicles.

“With media more likely to report bad news combined with often apocalyptic framing by advocates and limited understanding of technical air quality information, it is no wonder that the public is often confused about air quality in their city, county, state, and nation,” AAPCA reported.



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  • Consistent #15246

    EVERYDAY #15249

    Closest big city to me is Pittsburgh. Back in the days of the steel mills and coal furnaces, you couldn’t wear anything white outdoors or it would turn black. That’s how much soot there was.

    The steel mills are gone, coal furnaces have been replaced by gas and other clean energies, and fuel emissions have been drastically reduced, thanks to government meddling. But the enviro-weenies and their pals in federal government still insist the air isn’t clean enough.

    The younger generations, in particular, have been indoctrinated by school teachers, college professors and the media to believe our environment is in a sorry state. Propaganda has been used effectively to destroy industry and allow government to regulate every aspect of our lives.

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