President ‘I Love Wikileaks!’ Trump Is Concerned About Leaks That Helped Oust..

Source: RedState | February 15, 2017 | Jay Caruso

President ‘I Love Wikileaks!’ Trump Is Concerned About Leaks That Helped Oust Michael Flynn

Donald Trump strikes me as the kind of person who is unaware of his hypocrisy. That or he just doesn’t care. The wheels are coming off his administration less than 30 days into his Presidency. He hasn’t even had a cabinet meeting, and he has people in his inner circle resigning. He has a counselor who is in the ethical hot water already, apparently booking her media appearances and then making claims that get contradicted hours later by Sean Spicer. It’s a mess.

So to see these tweets this morning from Trump is just more evidence that we have an administration that is operating with zero discipline.


Let’s take a trip back in time:

“I love Wikileaks!”

So the guy who cheers on an arm of the Kremlin during the entire general election campaign and by default cheered on Russian spying and hacking is now concerned about leaks. Wow.


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