Putin praises Trump: 'I have no disappointment at all'

Source: Washington Examiner | March 7, 2018 | Mandy Mayfield

Russian President Vladimir Putin commended President Trump on Wednesday and said he has “no disappointment” in his relationship so far with Trump.

“I have no disappointment at all,” Putin said about Trump during an interview with Russian state television, according to the Associated Press. “Moreover, on a personal level he made a very good impression on me.

But Putin bashed the U.S. political system, and said it has “demonstrated its inefficiency and has been eating itself up.”

Putin’s comments came on the same day that Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. told Politico that lawmakers on Capitol Hill have not been willing to meet with Russian diplomats, and they worry about being criticized while several investigations continue into Russia’s interference with the U.S. election in 2016.

“The Congress, overwhelmed by Russophobia, is led by politically biased emotions, rather than a clear-thinking mind,” Anatoly Antonov said. “We are bluntly told they fear criticism.”


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