Repeal? No We Never Said That, Don’t Be Silly!!

Source: RedState | March 7, 2017 | Caleb Howe

Are we ready to call it #Trumpcare, yet?


The House has released their plan for replacing Obamacare, and if you were expecting some kind of full repeal like what every Republican in the galaxy has been promising for the last thousand years, forget it. This isn’t that.

On Twitter, RedState’s Joe Cunningham dispels the “repeal” notion right away, based just on the actual language.


Republicans and conservatives will spend a good deal of today and the next few weeks discussing the bill, what it replaces, and whether it’s an improvement. But there is one thing right now that is absolutely true: despite everything they’ve said to get elected, to pitch themselves and their positions to the American people, despite ironclad promises using specific language, this is not a “full repeal.”

Told you so.

“We’re going to repeal Obamacare. We are going to replace Obamacare with something so much better.” – Donald Trump, when trying to get elected.

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