Rick Scott acknowledges Biden 'absolutely' won fair election

Source: The Hill | February 28, 2021 | Zack Budryk

Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), who joined a challenge to Pennsylvania’s Electoral College results when Congress was certifying presidential election votes, conceded Sunday that President Biden “absolutely” won the 2020 election fairly.

Asked by “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace, “Did Joe Biden win this election fair and square?” Scott responded, “Absolutely.”

“Absolutely. Joe Biden is the president. We went through the constitutional process. Joe Biden won the election,” Scott replied.

The Florida senator went on to imply that unsubstantiated allegations of widespread voter fraud should be taken seriously, saying, “Are there people that believe we’ve got to focus on making sure people feel comfortable their elections are fair? Yeah.”

Asked by Wallace if he supports “making it harder to vote,” Scott replied, “Of course not” but said, “We should create a process where people get to vote but make sure no vote is ever diluted.”

Wallace mentioned a bill in the Georgia legislature that would end voting on Sunday, a day Black churches frequently organize “Souls to the Polls” events.

“What reason is that other than trying to suppress the Black vote?” Wallace asked.

Scott conceded that Florida, which went for former President Trump in the 2020 election, also has voting on Sunday and said his concern was more focused on the security of ballot boxes and absentee ballot signatures.


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