Rick Wilson: An Open Letter To Reince Preibus

Source: Rick Wilson's page on Medium | July 3, 2016 | Rick Wilson

Dear Reince:

The image below posted was posted yesterday by Donald Trump. You’ve heard about it by now.

Trump's Tweet But Trump didn’t create it.

Someone from Trump’s team found it on 4chan’s /pol board. I know, you don’t know what that is, but run down to your digital department and ask one of the younger guys. They’ll brief you. It’s an online slum of trolling, racism, Nazi-cosplay and other things that definitely aren’t Wisconsin Nice. Their waifu are not like yours.


The candidate for whom you have sold your political soul posted this sloppy dog-whistle to his personal account. His famous, 8-million follower account. The account you’ve retweeted or favorited dozens of times. Your RTs and favs appear alongside the dog’s breakfast of assorted Trump cultists like “WhiteNationalismTM” and a disproportionate number of people with “1488” in their names or profiles. (Look it up. I’m not going to do all your work for you.)


In a perfect world, a bold and effective party chairman with an eye to November and the future brand of the Republican Party would tell Donald Trump he’s had every chance under the Sun to improve and become more disciplined. A bold chairman would draw a bright line at his continued, deliberate, mindful flirtation with the darkest corners of the Internet. Private pressure does nothing; Trump is a creature of the media cycle and of celebrity.

Now, your digital team can tell you a quick way to stop this without too much fuss; have Trump block the neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, overt racists and other scum who litter his timeline.

You won’t, for fear of offending him. He won’t, for fear of offending his base. Under his “Taco Salad! I love the Jews! Look at my African-American!” bluster, he’s a crafty bastard who understands white resentment politics. They’re a feature, not a bug. They’re not part of his play; they’re his only play.


You’ve spent an awful lot of time and energy lately trying to intimidate and silence Republican delegates who are sickened by Trump’s behavior, terrified of the electoral disaster he may ensure and sickened by how far away he is pulling the party of Lincoln, Reagan and Coolidge from its conservative roots.

A smart chairman would leverage that anger to push Trump to conform to the basic norms of civilization and to run a more disciplined campaign. “Don, I’m doing everything I can to deal with them, but they’re not bending. Help me help you.” Instead, your mute assent empowers his narcissism and self-indulgence.

You know this party is tearing itself apart because of Trump, and your continued public silence on his endless catalog of outrages isn’t some bold political strategy in the battle against Hillary Clinton; it’s smearing the GOP with the reek of his excreta for decades. At this rate, there won’t be an autopsy at the end of this cycle; it’ll be a funeral pyre and a going-out-of-business sale.

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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #7591

    Consistent #7592

    Victoria #7594

    No one in the world can control Trump. He is mentally unhinged and always will be. It won’t matter if he chooses New Gingrich for his Vice-President as he won’t listen to him, either. He will never listen and change his behavior as he knows no other way to be. If anyone thinks Newt can control him, he/she is absolutely wrong.

    slhancock1948 #7595

    This is very right on! He has not crossed any barrier where he can win against Clinton and she leads in every state right now. He has soured the republican party with his 12 million democrat voters because in spite of his mantra that he is the only TRUE outsider, we all know in our gut that he is the truest insider, having lavished gobs of money on all the wrong people to get his way. Now he says he will get them to work with him…by paying them off with taxpayer monies? But, I don’t think it’s going to get that far. He is going to lose spectacularly badly. This is the end of the republican party. I am praying that people really see clearly that this is what this was all about from the get-go. His plan was from the beginning to take down the conservatives, but the whole republican party as well. We MUST begin now to form another party with the good people that are left. This has the potential of turning some people away from EVER voting again for fear of being tricked again.

    What a sham this election cycle is. I’ve written Preibus several times, but I doubt he gives a rat’s ass what we feel.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by slhancock1948.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

    CA Surveyor #7599

    The restoration of righteousness and the peace of Jerusalem will come right after the destruction of Jerusalem.

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