RNC's talking points for James Comey hearing revealed

Source: Washington Examiner | June 7, 2017 | Washington Examiner Staff


Top Takeaways:

  • President Trump feels completely and totally vindicated by Former FBI Director James Comey’s opening testimony and is eager to move forward.
  • Director Comey’s opening statement confirms he told President Trump three times that he was not under investigation. The testimony also confirms that President Trump did not impede or engage in obstruction of justice of the investigation.
  • President Trump knew firing Director Comey would be detrimental to his presidency, but he knew it was the right thing to do for the country so he did it anyways.
  • Director Comey lost confidence of both sides of the aisle, and the president was justified in firing him.
  • Director Comey and his deputy have even admitted under oath there was no obstruction.
  • Director Comey has a long history of blatant contradictions and misstatements.
  • There is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
  • While investigating the Clinton email scandal, Director Comey succumbed to political pressure from the Obama White House – this is far worse than anything President Trump is rumored to have said.
  • The Left and the media are using the Russia investigation as a means to obstruct the President’s agenda. It is time to get back to the real issues.
  • We are pleased the investigative process is moving forward and are confident that when these inquiries are complete, there will still be no evidence to support any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Meanwhile, President Trump is going to continue to pursue the agenda that got him elected.



  • The bottom line is this – Both sides of the aisle have stated that Director Comey needed to step aside. And, both sides of the aisle agree there is no evidence the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.
  • The other thing everyone agrees on is the leaks coming out of government agencies are deeply troubling and pose a grave threat to our national security. The leaks need to stop.
  • We are pleased the investigative process is moving forward and are confident that when these inquiries are complete, there will still be no evidence to support any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Meanwhile, President Trump is going to continue to pursue the agenda that got him elected.


The packet also includes a number of suggested tweets:


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