Russia boots white supremacist website from its internet: report

Source: The Hill | August 17, 2017 | Harper Neidig

Russia has booted white supremacist site the Daily Stormer from its internet, according to CNN.

After white nationalist protests in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend, GoDaddy cut ties with the site, prompting it to move to Google’s domain service briefly before it was again suspended for violating the terms of service.

It then moved to the dark web briefly, before finding a home with Russia’s domain registrar, known as RU-CENTER.

“I should point out that registry is automatic, so RU-CENTER registers thousands of domains per day,” Egor Timofeev, a spokesman for the service, told CNN.

Timofeev told CNN that the site was kicked off following a request from Roskomnadzor, Russia’s technology and telecommunications regulator.


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