Sean Hannity Dissolves Into a Bodice-Ripping Tantrum Over GOP Leaders….

Source: RedState | August 4, 2016 | Susan Wright

Sean Hannity Dissolves Into a Bodice-Ripping Tantrum Over GOP Leaders Questioning Trump’s Judgment

With the implosion of Trump’s campaign and the ensuing chaos in the upper levels of the GOP, we can expect to see more and more of the Trumpling clingers losing their minds.

Trump’s gimp, Sean Hannity, has once again managed to spit out the ball gag and take his impotent frustrations to the airwaves.

“If in 96 days Trump loses this election, I am pointing the finger directly at people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and John McCain,” Hannity said. “I have watched these Republicans be more harsh toward Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda.

“They did nothing, nothing — all these phony votes to repeal and replace Obamacare, show votes so they can go back and keep their power and get reelected,” Hannity continued. “Sorry, you created Donald Trump, all of you. Because of your ineffectiveness, because of your weakness, your spinelessness, your lack of vision, your inability to fight Obama.”

In this instance, the pathetic little bootlick is not entirely off-base. The people watched as House Republicans did very little to combat Obama’s destructive agenda. When you combine that frustration with a dumbed down segment of bumper sticker voters, who’s knowledge of issues is limited to the aforementioned bumper stickers and internet memes, you get a corrosive mix of electoral angst.

Sadly, outlets like Fox News and talk radio read that seething anger as a ratings boom, and rather than attempt to mobilize society around a common goal of sound policy and free market conservatism, they fed the anger.

In Donald Trump, they found a walking meme to support as the public’s big middle finger to a government that had failed them. Plus, he already had experience in reality TV, so he knew show business. It didn’t matter that he was unqualified. It didn’t matter that he might be unstable. It didn’t even matter that he knew nothing of the job he was applying for. After all, the angry masses know nothing of policy or the job, either, so why should he?

Sean Hannity is probably the single-most pathetic voice to come from the media cesspool, lapping at Trump’s heels, crotch-sniffing and doing his level best to shame his family name for generations to come.


Maybe if he was really serious about Republicans not going after Democrats, he could get off of his knees long enough to see that Trump has kept his attacks focused mainly on other Republicans for the entirety of his campaign?

“So Trump fires back, because he’s sick and tired of these idiots,” he said. “We just had a Democratic convention where you had the single most leftist socialist platform ever written in American history. I don’t hear a peep out of any of these people about it.”

What a coincidence. We just had a GOP convention where the single most leftist, socialist platform masquerading as Republican policy was put forth, and conservatives were shut down. We basically had two Democrat conventions, this year.


Hannity, the Trump campaign, and all the Branch Trumpidian members are already laying the groundwork to place blame on anyone not a part of the cult.

The reality is, this race was lost from the moment Trump was forced on us. Anyone who voted for Trump in the primaries, any talking heads that gave him never-ending, breathless coverage leading up to his nomination, they bear the responsibility for what happens in November.

Those of us who chose principle over party, and who took the time to let reason and knowledge override any anger at the party apparatus, our hands are clean.

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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #9003

    Consistent #9004

    slhancock1948 #9005

    And, another thing that republicans NEVER get…open primaries breed democrat candidates, this one the worst ever. At the GOP convention they sealed the deal permanently to never change that. Any conservative who stays in the GOP hoping to change it from within is deluded. This is a fool’s errand if there ever was one. This year, they basically jammed their finger in our eyes and said, “We hate conservatives, but if you’re stupid enough to continue to vote for our candidates, you’re an idiot, as well!”.
    As many called for in 2009, it is time for a 3rd party. Just think where a 3rd party could be by now, had we abandoned the GOP then? We were still believing the lie that we could change it from within, refocus the GOP on its party’s platform. Seven wasted years is what we have for it.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

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