Sen. Ted Cruz on Trump post: 'I'm eager to work with the new president in…

Source: Dallas Morning News | November 17, 2016 | Katie Leslie

Sen. Ted Cruz on Trump post: ‘I’m eager to work with the new president in whatever capacity I can have the greatest impact’

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ted Cruz left open the possibility of a position in a Donald Trump White House today, just days after the Texan met with the president-elect in New York.

Appearing on Fox & Friends early Thursday, Cruz twice sidestepped questions about whether the men discussed a position in the Trump administration, but said that while he has “an incredible job” as senator, “I’m eager to work with the new president in whatever capacity I can have the greatest impact defending the principles I was elected to defend, defending the principles of freedom, defending the Constitution.”


Cruz said he met with both Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence, as well as members of the transition team during his visit to Trump Tower. The visit lasted “several hours,” Cruz said.

Asked pointedly about reports he’s under consideration for attorney general, the former Texas solicitor general said, “Listen, we had a far reaching conversation and it was a good opportunity to talk about the election, about the challenges facing the country. … The heart of what we really talked about is how we solve those challenges, how we get it done.”

With Republicans controlling the White House and both chambers of Congress, Cruz said it’s time for the party to “put up or shut up.”

“If Republicans go to Washington and we don’t deliver on what we promised, we’ll be looking at pitchforks and torches in the street and quite rightly.”


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