Tapper: Elected offcls, TV anchors creating a ‘permi structure’ for violence

Source: The Hill | October 29, 2022 | Julia Shapero

Tapper: Elected officials, TV anchors creating a ‘permission structure’ for political violence

CNN anchor Jake Tapper said some elected officials and TV anchors are to blame for creating a “permission structure” that has opened the door for political violence, after news broke that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) husband was attacked in the couple’s home on Friday.

“There are people in mainstream accepted society – elected officials, TV anchors, others – who have been creating a permission structure that is helping to open the door to this violence,” Tapper said on Friday night.

“This horrifying act of violence today, I wish I could tell you it’s an outlier,” he added. “It’s not. It is the inevitable product of a poisonous political climate where unchecked lies and hate-filled dehumanizing rhetoric combine to create a perfect storm of political violence.”

Paul Pelosi, the speaker’s husband, was violently assaulted in the couple’s San Francisco home early Friday morning, when a man broke in and shouted,“Where is Nancy?”


President Biden on Friday night suggested that the violence against Pelosi was tied to Republican talk of stolen elections.

“What makes us think that one party can talk about stolen elections, COVID being a hoax, that it’s all a bunch of lies, and it not affect people who may not be so well balanced,” Biden said. “What makes us think that it’s not going to corrode the political climate?”


“As much as Donald Trump is part of the problem here, you need to know these threats and horrific acts are not only from the right,” Tapper said.

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