Ted Cruz concerned Democrats will trigger government shutdown

Source: Texas Tribune | April 17, 2017 | Patrick Svitek

With Congress about to consider a must-pass spending bill to avoid a government shutdown, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz said Monday that he was concerned Senate Democrats would “engage in across-the-board obstruction.”

WALLER — Ted Cruz, no stranger himself to government funding fights, expressed concern Monday that the “Democratic radical left” would prompt a government shutdown in the coming weeks as Congress faces an April 28 deadline to pass a spending bill.

“You know, I very much hope we don’t have a shutdown,” Cruz told reporters. “I will say I’m concerned. I think [Senate Minority Leader] Chuck Schumer and the Democrats want a shutdown.”

Cruz had a starring role in the 2013 government shutdown, which lasted 16 days and was prompted over failed efforts by Republicans to defund the Affordable Care Act. Afterward, some Republicans blamed Cruz for helping instigate the shutdown without a realistic plan to prompt the Obama administration to blink on the issue. 

“You know, one of the dynamics we’ve got is the Democratic radical left is demanding of Senate Democrats that they oppose everything, that they engage in across-the-board obstruction,” said Cruz Monday. “And so I do have some concern that to appease the radical left, Chuck Schumer and the Democrats may do everything they can to try to provoke a shutdown.”


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