The average age of Democratic voters' top choices for 2020 is 75

Source: Washington Examiner | December 14, 2016 | T. Becket Adams

Democrats should probably start thinking about grooming a fresh-faced bench for 2020.

The 2016 election just ended, and President-elect Donald Trump hasn’t even been sworn into office, but at least one polling firm is already looking ahead to the next presidential contest. What Public Policy Polling found is this: A severe discrepancy between what Democratic primary voters want, and what’s currently available.

A majority of surveyed voters said they would prefer it if a candidate younger than 60 or 70 years is nominated in 2020, according to a survey published Tuesday. A plurality (41 percent) of these same voters also said they want someone who has never run for president before.

In short, Democratic primary voters want a younger, fresher face to represent them in the general election four years from now.

However, when it comes to the party’s possible 2020 bench, the three leading candidates named in the PPP survey will all be in their 70s by then, and two have already run for president.

Vice President Joe Biden is the leading contender in the new PPP survey, which was conducted between Dec. 6 and 7, drawing a full 31 percent of support from surveyed Democratic primary voters.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., came in second with 24 percent, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., came in third with 16 percent.

By inauguration day 2021, Biden will be 77 years-old. Sanders will be 78, and Warren will be 75. Unless Democrats starts grooming younger candidates soon, the average age of the party’s supposed bench in 2020 will be about 70.


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