The Meltdown Continues: Hannity Loses It on Twitter

Source: RedState | August 5, 2016 | Joe Cunningham

Yesterday wasn’t a good day for Sean Hannity, one of the most high-profile boosters of the con artist running as a Republican. He ripped into the “GOP Establishment” who were questioning Trump’s ability to be an actual candidate instead of looking suspiciously like a 21 year old who was finally allowed into a bar and just goes nuts with dad’s credit card. Then, last night, Hannity goes on a Twitter tirade against a Wall Street Journal reporter who called him the dumbest host on Fox.

He didn’t stop there, though.

So, yeah, he’s been getting into angry spats on Twitter lately because, well, Trump’s in a freefall. And he knows it. The polls look terrible, and there is only so much defending you can do for a man who clearly doesn’t want to be president, and yet, Hannity is standing strong with him. He is specifically standing strong with a man who goes against Hannity’s own beliefs on what a nominee should be. Here’s Hannity four years ago:


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #9014

    Consistent #9040

    EVERYDAY #9043

    I read somewhere that Fox News in general is slipping in the ratings, and I guess the talking heads like Hannity are trying to hold on to their audience by pandering to the Trump worshipers. Fox never really was conservative — it says it’s fair and balanced — but the fact is that Fox embraces liberalism in both parties. Hannity and the rest have to know that their hero, Trump, is not a true conservative, but they are conpelled to continue to promote him as one. Most real conservatives are not swayed.

    Frankly, I would be delighted to see Fox News end up in the trash heap.

    CA Surveyor #9074

    This is actually a big improvement for Hannity, but it may cost him his job.

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