The Texas Protestors Should Be Deported

Source: The Resurgent | May 30, 2017 | Erick Erickson

If you’re holding up signs bragging that you are an illegal alien while protesting a state legislature and disrupting its proceedings, you should be deported. You are admitting you are an illegal alien and you are disrupting the legitimate legislative functions of a state government. I do not have sympathy for you.

Concurrently, we should note that Texas’s Republican majority has long survived by being at peace with its hispanic voters. As certain Republican politicians in the state legislature try to advance their own careers through anti-immigrant sentiment, they risk Republican standing with Texas’s hispanic voters. They will need to walk carefully on this issue.


Lastly, we should not let any of this distract us from the Republicans pursuing this issue while ignoring compromise legislation that would have stopped boys from entering girls’ bathrooms. They would rather break apart a Texas coalition of Republicans across the state on immigration issues than anger Silicon Valley giants, even though there is popular support for such bathroom restrictions.

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