This Morning’s Shooting Was Predictable, Foreseeable, and Won’t Be the Last

Source: The Resurgent | June 14, 2017 | Erick Erickson

First, our prayers here at The Resurgent are with the members of Congress and Capitol Police who have been shot. It was a terrible thing that happened and that it happened during a moment of bipartisan levity makes it all the more tragic.

But this was easily predictable and foreseeable and it will not be the last time this happens.

For the last several months, the political left in this country has amped up the rhetoric to an unprecedented degree and when anyone confronts them with it they engage in whataboutisms over various Republican statements about Barack Obama.


Political activists maintain the GOP is going to kill people by repealing Obamacare. They maintain the GOP wants to put black people back in chains. They maintain the GOP wants to see the planet uninhabitable.

This is the rhetoric used to keep the Democrat base mobilized. Many of the Democrats who say these things do not actually believe them. But there are those of unstable mind who do and one of those today decided he would take matters into his own hands.


And this will not be the last time. Already, there are people online gloating about the GOP comeuppance over gun control. There are prominent partisans on social media making false claims about Virginia gun laws. There are even the assortment of nutters who think the GOP is getting what they deserve.

There will always be nuts. There will always be conspiracy theorists. Just as the GOP should stop coddling people like Alex Jones who fuels deranged people on the right and use of the word “subhuman” should be barred from discussions about political opponents, the Democrat leaders in Washington and their political allies should stop claiming the GOP wants everyone to die and the world to be a cesspool. They know it is not true, but today someone who believed them decided to take action.

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