This One Trump Action is What Third World Kleptocrats Do

Source: The Resurgent | January 23, 2017 | Erick Erickson

If you go to the third world, whether Zimbabwe or North Korea, you’ll find that the authoritarian dictators like to tie their ascension to power to a day of patriotism. Well, we have that here now too. Donald Trump declared Inauguration Day the “National Day of Patriotic Devotion,” which sounds like something the North Koreans would drum up.

We already have a day for patriotic devotion. It is called Independence Day and it has everything to do with the founding of our nation and nothing to do with Donald Trump or any other President. Heck, for that matter, we have Washington’s Birthday, which we now generically treat as President’s Day.


Still, this reeks of third world kleptocracy. What’s next? Giant billboards of the President on the sides of buildings and at the location of all public works projects?

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