Trump ally interrogated by FBI about campaign involvement

Source: The Hill | March 30, 2018 | Avery Anapol

An American academic with links to President Trump said Friday he was detained and questioned by FBI agents at Logan airport in Boston this week.

Ted Malloch, a regular contributor to the conspiracy theory outlet Infowars, told The Guardian that he was detained by the FBI after flying to Boston from London.

Malloch said the FBI asked him about his involvement in the Trump campaign, his relationship with former campaign adviser Roger Stone and if he had ever visited the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange lives.

Stone has been accused of having advance knowledge of WikiLeaks hacking the Democratic National Committee’s emails before the emails were released.

Malloch was also issued a subpoena to testify before special counsel Robert Mueller’s grand jury on April 13. The news of his detention and questioning was first reported by InfoWars.


Malloch once claimed to be Trump’s top pick for U.S. ambassador to the European Union, but The Wall Street Journal reported that he was never being considered. Malloch has been accused in the past of embellishing his biography and accused of making false statements to banks. 

Malloch, a vocal critic of the EU, also has a close relationship with former leader of the U.K. Independence Party Nigel Farage, who frequently praises Trump and appeared with him on the campaign trail.

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