Trump ally: Timing on Russia investigation tweet ‘could have been better’

Source: The Hill | June 15, 2017 | Max Greenwood

Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.), one of President Trump’s most ardent allies on Capitol Hill, on Thursday criticized the timing of the president’s latest tweets attacking the investigation into Russian election meddling.

“I think timing could have been better on that, and I can’t speak for the president, obviously he does what he does,” Collins said. “Clearly, he’s frustrated by the investigation, and the investigation is going to run its course, probably for many, many, many months.”

“I’m not counseling the president, but I would have certainly not advised that that tweet go out today, because we’re still very much reacting to yesterday’s shooting,” he added.

Trump’s tweets followed news reports that special counsel Robert Mueller was expanding his Russia investigation to look into the president for possibly attempting to obstruct justice. Mueller, a former FBI director, has been praised by lawmakers on both sides of the aisle as an uncompromising and fair law enforcement official. 


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