Trump attorney: We’ll challenge Mueller if he investigates old real estate deals

Source: The Hill | November 4, 2017 | John Bowden

An attorney representing President Trump in the ongoing special counsel investigation into whether his campaign colluded with Russia said in an interview published Saturday that his team would challenge Robert Mueller if the probe began looking at Trump’s former business deals.

Politico reported Saturday that Jay Sekulow, a conservative attorney who joined Trump’s team in June, said that Trump’s attorneys are ready to challenge the legality of Mueller’s actions if he detours into anything they consider “outside the scope” of the inquiry, such as looking at old real estate deals the president might have been involved in through his Trump Organization.

“We’d view that as outside the scope of legitimate inquiry,” Sekulow said. “We’d raise it.”

Trump himself has said that any investigation of his personal finances by Mueller would be out-of-bounds.

In July, Trump told The New York Times that Mueller would be in “violation” of his special counsel mandate to shift his probe’s focus from Russia.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #19770

    Consistent #19771

    ConservativeGranny #19777

    I believe if they start looking at Trump’s business deals they’ll find Russia popping up all over the place. I believe that Mueller already has a good hunch that is the case as well. Trumps knows it too. That is why he is squealing about something that hasn’t even happened yet. If Mueller hasn’t had any suspicions yet Trump’s behavior should be his first clue.

    EVERYDAY #19779

    Trump has been making noises about this investigation on an almost daily basis since the beginning. If he would just shut up and comply with whatever Mueller wants, he wouldn’t look like he is guilty of something.

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