Trump campaign adviser argues over definition of 'meeting' with Russian amb…

Source: Politico | March 3, 2017 | Bianca Padró Ocasio

Trump campaign adviser argues over definition of ‘meeting’ with Russian ambassador

A former campaign adviser to President Donald Trump on Thursday sought to clarify the nature of his interactions with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, saying he has “never spoken with Ambassador Kislyak for more than ten seconds.”

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Friday, Carter Page refused to answer whether or not a conversation took place with Kislyak, arguing back and forth with Cooper about what exactly would constitute a “meeting.”

“Anderson, a great analogy is you and I were members of the same health club here in New York previously. And I remember walking by you even though we didn’t know each other and I said, ‘Hi, Anderson,’ and you said hello and we, you know, a nice little exchange for half a second. Now, does that to you constitute a meeting?” Page asked.

“Well, I guess we’ve met but it’s not a meeting,” Cooper said.

“Exactly. Thanks a lot. I will not talk about anything that happened in off-the-record meetings,” Page replied.

The interview comes just a day after Page refused to deny meeting Kislyak in an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, after effectively denying any contact with the Russian official in a previous interview with PBS’ Judy Woodruff.


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