Trump: Dems 'pretending that their former hero' Mueller 'no longer exists'

Source: Politico | April 1, 2019 | Caitlin Oprysko

President Donald Trump claimed Monday that previously vocal defenders of special counsel Robert Mueller are now spurning their “former hero” following his conclusion that the Trump campaign did not conspire with Russian agents to interfere in the 2016 election.

“Now that the long awaited Mueller Report conclusions have been released, most Democrats and others have gone back to the pre-Witch Hunt phase of their lives before Collusion Delusion took over,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Others are pretending that their former hero, Bob Mueller, no longer exists!”

The president has railed against congressional Democrats who have pledged to push forward with sweeping investigations into his finances and ties to Russia, despite Attorney General William Barr’s announcement last month that Mueller’s investigation found no collusion and insufficient evidence for obstruction of justice in his two-year probe.


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