Trump is willing to fight the Freedom Caucus

Source: Trump's Tweet | March 30, 2017 |
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  • Consistent #14787

    Consistent #14788

    Consistent #14789

    Consistent #14790

    Consistent #14791

    Consistent #14792

    EVERYDAY #14794

    Been saying all along Trump is a liberal Democrat. So naturally, his opponent on this issue is not the Democrats or even establishment Republicans. It’s the conservatives.

    There have been times I didn’t care much for the Freedom Caucus. It was wholly ineffective during 8 years of Obama, but that may have been because the caucus was fighting a hierarchy of liberals in its own party. There are also a handful of caucus members I would not call conservative.

    But in forcing the withdrawal of Trumpcare, the caucus did the right thing. And in doing so, the caucus demonstrated who was serious about gutting Obamacre and who was not. The liars who said they wanted repeal — Trump included — have been exposed, and the liars are not happy.

    Sadly, there are some Kool Aid drinkers who still believe Trump can do no wrong, but I’m noticing that other Trump fans may be realizing that their worship of Trump was wrong . They may even feel betrayed. Perhaps there won’t be another 4 years of Trump after the present term is up. Of course, with the numerous scandals going around, this term may not last 4 years.

    Consistent #14796

    Consistent #14798

    Consistent #14799

    Woodcutter #14802

    I just heard that there were 18 Republicans that are not members of the Freedom Caucus who voted against the “Trumpcare” bill, while only 15 who are members of the Freedom Caucus voted against it.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Woodcutter.
    Consistent #14810

    ConservativeGranny #14811

    I too noticed that some of his former supporters are finally waking up.

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