Trump Jr.: My father did tell James Comey he hoped Mike Flynn invest. would end

Source: Washington Examiner | June 11, 2017 | Caitlin Yilek

Donald Trump Jr.: My father did tell James Comey he hoped Mike Flynn investigation would end

President Trump’s son confirmed his father did tell former FBI Director James Comey he hoped the investigation into his former national security adviser Mike Flynn would end, just days after the president’s lawyer denied Trump “directed or suggested” Comey kill the probe.

“When he tells you to do something, guess what? There’s no ambiguity in it, there’s no, ‘Hey, I’m hoping,'” Donald Trump Jr. told Fox News on Saturday. “You and I are friends: ‘Hey, I hope this happens, but you’ve got to do your job.’ That’s what he told Comey. And for this guy as a politician to then go back and write a memo: ‘Oh, I felt threatened.’ He felt so threatened — but he didn’t do anything.”


“Do you know of any case where a person has been charged for obstruction of justice, or for that matter any criminal offense where they said, or thought, they hoped for an outcome?” Risch asked.

“I don’t know well enough to answer,” Comey began. “I took it as a direction. It is the president of the United States, and me alone, saying ‘I hope this.'”

“I took it as, this is what he wants me to do. I didn’t obey that, but that’s the way I took it,” Comey continued.


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