Trump Labels the American Media the Enemy of the American People

Source: Trump | February 17, 2017 |


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #13727

    Consistent #13728

    I’ve worked to try to keep the politics off my personal Facebook page and to put it over at the professional one ( But I want to say this to friends, family, and others following me here.

    Last year, on several occasions, Donald Trump used his twitter feed to attack me. Shortly after one of those tweets, some of his supporters showed up at our house to threaten me and my family.

    The President of the United States labeling the American media an enemy of the American people is a terrible, uncalled for antic that will do more harm than good. I have seen what Donald Trump’s twitter antics can push unstable people to do. I have lived it. My family has lived it.

    Calling reporters “enemies” is not wise. I may disagree with the reporters, I may think they are biased, and I may even think they are serving more as opposition to the President than fair and objective reporters. But they are Americans and they are neither my enemy nor the President’s enemy nor the enemy of the American people.

    Consistent #13729

    Consistent #13730

    Consistent #13731

    EVERYDAY #13734

    Trump wants to destroy freedom of the press. Only his favorite propaganda organs such as Breitbart, Infowars and the National Enquirer will be considered legitimate sources. This is what dictators do. They shut down existing news media and replace them with his own. An uninformed or ill-informed populace is much easier to control.

    In that regard, I’d say Trump and his gaggle of worshipers are the real enemy of the American people.

    Consistent #13753

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