Trump leaving Obama’s executive amnesty in place would be a colossal betrayal

Source: Conservative Review | January 23, 2017 | Daniel Horowitz


The two biggest rallying cries against Obama’s imperial presidency in recent years have been: “repeal Obamacare” and “repeal Obama’s illegal executive amnesty.” Conservatives swore to ourselves that if we ever got back into the White House those two odious policies were as good as dead. As we’ve chronicled in this column, repeal of Obamacare is already on the ropes. If Obama’s amnesty is not repealed administratively in short order, it will represent a colossal betrayal of Trump’s basic campaign promise and set a terrible precedent for an imperial presidency.

During the incipient days of this administration Trump’s Chief of Staff Reince Priebus has indicated that he does not want to repeal Obama’s DACA amnesty:

President Trump has no immediate plans to use his executive powers to undo the Obama administration’s order that protects some young illegal immigrants known as “dreamers,” White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus made clear Sunday, in previewing the new administration’s first full week.

“I think we’re going to work with the House and Senate leadership, as well as to get a long-term solution on that issue,” Priebus told “Fox News Sunday.” “I’m not going to make any commitments to you, but … I’m obviously foreshadowed there a little bit.”

Furthermore, Trump spokesman Sean Spicer indicated that this won’t be a priority:


Every president over-promises and under-delivers. That is to be expected. Time will tell what happens with the proactive conservative immigration reforms Trump promised. And to his credit, Trump has already made good on some promises, such as a freeze on federal hiring and reinstatement of the Mexico City abortion funding policy. But there is no excuse for maintaining any shred of Obama’s amnesty. That is a red line.

Make no mistake about it, if Republicans keep Obama’s amnesty, they will own it — much like they will own Obamacare if they maintain the insurance regulations. There is never more political capital to rescind it than during the first 100 days. Conservatives would be wise to make sure the cooler heads in Trump’s administration prevail over Reince Priebus.

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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #13073

    Consistent #13074

    slhancock1948 #13085

    Everybody operates as if everybody has short memories, won’t recall the “promises”. What amazes me is that Trump started back-pedaling on them as soon as he promised them, and yet, so many were absolutely certain that he’d keep his word. Which word? I’m sure that some will be kept, just not the ones everybody was counting on.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

    ConservativeGranny #13099

    It won’t matter. His supporters will say Trump had a good reason or Hillary would be worse or some other excuse. There is nothing that Trump could do that will change their minds about him.

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