Trump on calling families of fallen troops: 'Ask General Kelly' if Obama called

Source: Washington Examiner | October 17, 2017 | Melissa Quinn

Trump on calling families of fallen troops: ‘Ask General Kelly’ if Obama called when his son died

President Trump said Tuesday that anyone with questions about whether former President Barack Obama called the families of fallen service members can ask White House chief of staff John Kelly if he received a phone call from Obama.

“I think I’ve called every family of someone who’s died,” Trump told Fox News radio host Brian Kilmeade. “As far as other representatives, I don’t know. You could ask Gen. Kelly, did he get a call from Obama?”

Kelly’s son, Marine 2nd Lt. Robert Kelly, was killed while serving in Afghanistan in 2010.

Trump first claimed Monday that his predecessors, including Obama, didn’t call the families of service members who were killed in action, and then said he was told Obama “didn’t often” make phone calls.

After Trump’s latest comment rocketed around Tuesday morning, the Trump White House said Kelly did not get a call from Obama after his son died.

Trump emphasized Tuesday that he has called “virtually everybody” and said he plans to call the family members of four U.S. soldiers killed in Niger this month.

Trump also said he has written letters to their families, which he will send in the coming days. Trump’s initial comments Monday were the first remarks he made about the deaths, which had occurred Oct. 4. He was asked specifically why he hadn’t commented on the deaths, but instead criticized his predecessors for not doing what he does.


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