Trump puts Pence in charge of coronavirus response

Source: Politico | February 26, 2020 | Matthew Choi

Trump cited Pence’s experience as governor of Indiana as qualifying him to spearhead the growing threat of the global outbreak.

President Donald Trump appointed his Vice President Mike Pence to lead a task force to combat the spread of the coronavirus, the president announced Wednesday.

Speaking during a news conference, Trump cited Pence’s experience as governor of Indiana as qualifying him to spearhead the growing threat of the global outbreak. The White House had been weighing the appointment of a coronavirus czar in the lead up of the announcement as it faced criticism over its inconsistent messaging during the emerging crisis. Still, Trump said Pence would not be a “czar” because “he is a part of the administration.”

Trump said of the decision, “look at the Indiana model, they have been very successful there.” He added that the White House is “using Mike because he’s very good at doing what he does.”

Trump said that other states “really looked to” Indiana for guidance on health care “and changed their systems.”

Trump then called Pence to the podium. The vice president talked about his experience as governor of Indiana, where the first case of MERS, a viral respiratory illness, emerged in 2014. Pence said he would be working with the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, State Department and White House advisers to combat coronavirus. Pence added that he would continue coordinating with state and local officials to curb the spread of the virus.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #35939

    Consistent #35940

    Consistent #35941

    ConservativeGranny #35943

    This is solely to provide a fall guy when it all hits the fan. It won’t be Trump’s fault.

    Consistent #35945

    Consistent #35947

    Consistent #35948

    EVERYDAY #35949

    Trump has always seemed like he was unhappy with Pence as VP. There have been rumors he was looking for a replacement running mate in 2024. Don’t know if any of that is true, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he handed off responsibility to Pence in an effort to ruin him if things go wrong.

    It’s a shame because Pence has been a loyal supporter of Trump and a good lapdog. And I can tell you that several of my liberal friends said during the impeachment farce that if Trump was removed from office, they would be ok with Pence as president. He’s certainly far more agreeable to most people than the orange guy currently occupying the White House. Far smarter too.

    EVERYDAY #35952

    I meant 2020, not 2024.

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