Trump says Gillibrand begged for donations 'and would do anything for them'

Source: The Hill | December 12, 2017 | Mallory Shelbourne

President Trump early Tuesday blasted Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) for coming to his office “begging” for donations, and as someone who “would do anything for them.”

The broadside against Gillibrand from Trump comes a day after the New York Democrat said Trump should resign from the presidency because of the accusations numerous women have made against him for sexual misconduct.

Gillibrand said the accusations against Trump are “credible” and should be investigated, and told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that the president should resign.

Less than 24 hours later, Trump was on Twitter calling Gillibrand a “flunky” for Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and a “lightweight” lawmaker.

He also made a reference to Gillibrand’s statement this month that President Clinton should have resigned from office, calling her “very disloyal” for the former president.

Gillibrand responded later on Tuesday, ripping Trump and saying he could not silence her.

Gillibrand has been a voice against sexual harassment for years, and made a name for herself in the Senate by pushing for reforms to the military.

She’s been in the center of the news over the last week as allegations of sexual misconduct against men in politics, entertainment, the media and other fields have washed through the headlines.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #20342

    Consistent #20351

    ConservativeGranny #20352

    The dummy just reaffirmed what these women are accusing him of. And he needs to find something new besides the “loser” “no ratings”, “failing”, “flunky” name calling he does to everyone who criticizes him. It’s the same story every time. He starts out trying to demean and discredit the messenger and follows up with some statement about them begging for something from him. How many times can he use the same worn-out baloney response?

    But we’ll be stuck with this nincompoop for the next 4-8 years and then elect another. As Trump would say, “Sad”.

    EVERYDAY #20353

    “How many times can he use the same worn-out baloney response?”

    As long as his fans think it’s cool. This is what all these controversies and his inane tweets are all about — keeping his fans entertained.

    Our president apparently is just like the last one. He doesn’t do any presidential work. The last president golfed and took vacations. This one watches TV and tweets.

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