Trump schedules meetings based on ‘Fox & Friends’ coverage: report

Source: The Hill | July 30, 2018 | Avery Anapol

President Trump reportedly schedules last-minute meetings with White House officials based on “whatever he saw on ‘Fox and Friends.’ ”

A former White House official told Politico that the president has “lots of flexibility” in working his schedule around whatever topics interest him, often what is discussed on that morning’s Fox News program.

“He comes down for the day, and whatever he saw on ‘Fox and Friends,’ he schedules meetings based on that,” the unidentified source told the news outlet. “If it’s Iran, it’s ‘Get John Bolton down here!’ … If he’s seen something on TV or [was] talking to [Fox News host Sean] Hannity the night before, he’s got lots of flexibility to do whatever he wants to do.”

The report comes as part of a wider profile on John Kelly, who is one year into his tenure as chief of staff.

According to Politico, Kelly has been largely unable to keep the president on task after originally earning a reputation for his efforts to overhaul operations in the White House and instill a stronger sense of order and structure

One White House aide told Politico that Kelly has failed in his attempts to stop Trump from making impromptu decisions about meetings, including those centered on attendees and topics of discussion.


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