Trump silent on Paul Pelosi attack

Source: The Hill | October 29, 2022 | Julia Shapero

Former President Trump has remained silent on the recent attack of Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), even as fellow members of the Republican Party have condemned the assault.

Trump posted frequently on his own social media platform Truth Social over the past 24 hours, but did not acknowledge Friday’s attack that sent Paul Pelosi to the hospital.


On Friday, Trump posted on Truth Social about his endorsements and upcoming rallies for the midterm elections, Brazil’s elections, the Mar-a-Lago case over classified documents and the death of singer Jerry Lee Lewis. However, he never mentioned the attack on Paul Pelosi.

Other leading Republicans voiced their concern for Paul Pelosi and condemned the violence and intrusion.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said he was “horrified and disgusted” by the news, while former Vice President Mike Pence called it an “outrage.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has yet to publicly condemn the event, but a spokesperson said in a statement to The Hill on Friday that he had reached out to the Speaker to “check in on Paul” and is praying for his recovery.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #56325

    EVERYDAY #56332

    Other than the few mentioned above most Republicans of note were silent about the violent attack. A few tried to use it as an example of how Democrats supposedly encourage violent crime. And I’ve seen some social media posts claiming the attack was staged.

    And then there were the whatabboutits — what about the violent demonstrations in 2020, etc.? I don’t care who commits the violence or who the victims are. No violence should ever be accepted or excused.

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