Trump urges media to report whistleblower's name

Source: The Hill | November 3, 2019 | Rachel Frazin

President Trump on Sunday said the media should name the whistleblower behind a complaint about his dealings with Ukraine and that such reporting would be “doing the public a service.”

“The whistleblower gave a very inaccurate report about my phone call. My phone call was perfecto. It was totally appropriate. He gave a report — he or she, but according to the newspapers it’s a he,” Trump told reporters.  

“They know who it is. You know who it is. You just don’t want to report it. CNN knows who it is, but you don’t want to report it. And you know, you would be doing the public a service if you did,” he added. 

The whistleblower’s identity is not public. Trump did not give evidence for his claim that CNN or newspapers know the person’s identity. 

“The fixation on exposing the whistleblower’s identity is simply because they’re at a loss as to how to address the investigations the underlying disclosure prompted,” Andrew Bakaj, an attorney representing the whistleblower, told The Hill in a statement in response to Trump’s remarks. 


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