Wall Street Journal: John Kelly should question Steve Bannon's 'loyalties'

Source: Washington Examiner | August 9, 2017 | Eddie Scarry

The right-leaning Wall Street Journal editorial board called on White House chief of staff John Kelly to consider questioning the motives of senior adviser Steve Bannon.

In an editorial published Tuesday night, the Journal said Bannon, the former CEO of the pro-Trump Breitbart News website, is responsible for some of the chaos in the White House and may be responsible for some other pro-Trump media outlets taking an intensely critical stance against national security adviser H.R. McMaster.

“Mr. Trump issued a statement of support for Lt. Gen. McMaster late on Friday, which in a better White House would settle the matter,” the paper said. “But rather than question the general’s loyalties, perhaps Mr. Kelly should question Mr. Bannon’s. The former Breitbart publisher has been a White House survivor, but his warring habits have also been responsible for much of the White House dysfunction.”

McMaster has drawn the wrath of many of President Trump’s populist supporters, friendly media outlets, and Bannon allies.


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