Watch: Escaped ISIS Slave Gives Grave Warning to U.S. After Orlando

Source: Conservative Review | June 21, 2016 | Nate Madden

A former ISIS slave and genocide survivor said she was “heartbroken,” but “wasn’t surprised” by last week’s jihadist attack at a nightclub in Orlando. 

Nadia Murad, a Yazidi woman who survived both the 2014 ISIS assault on Mount Sinjar and enslavement in ISIS-controlled Mosul, warned congress on Tuesday that unless the insurgency is stopped completely more terror like that seen in Orlando and San Bernardino is certain to happen.

In her testimony before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, Murad stressed that attacks like those in San Bernardino and Orlando are driven by the same end goals that spurred ISIS to commit genocide against her people.

Full video of Murad’s testimony can be viewed here:

The first thing I would like to tell you is that I was heartbroken when I witnessed the same crimes in Orlando because for the same reason—no reason—[the victims] were killed and they were abused just the way I was.

But I wasn’t surprised by this, because I knew if ISIS [also Daesh] was not stopped they would deliver their crimes everywhere.

When I was captured, I was 19 years old. I was one of the 6000 Yazidi women and children who were taken in to captivity.

This happened in august 2014, more than a year and a half ago now, and this happened for one reason. ISIS attacked the Yazidis because they are infidels, not people of the book. And their interpretation is that the men must be killed and the women and children must be enslaved.

And this is what they applied to us. Thousands of men, women, and children were killed in the first days of the attack on Sinjar.

In the hottest days of the summer, more than 100,000 Yazidis were stranded on the mountain.

It’s true that crimes were committed in Iraq and Syria, but what happened to the Yazidis was different.

I was one of the thousands of women who were enslaved in Mosul.

The first thing they did in Mosul after distributing us to the fighters was to take us to the court and to have us convert by putting our hands on the Quran.

It is true that I was raped and sold and abused, but I was lucky. I wish that every woman in the 6000 was like me, because girls as young as nine were raped as well.

Only in two hours in my village more than 700 men were killed, among them my brothers. My mother was also killed for no reason other than having a different religion.

I am not saying ISIS represents Islam, but ISIS is using Islam to commit these crimes, and this needs to stop as an ideology first.

Many people in the area had the choice to leave, but they were happy to join the Islamic State when they came …

Daesh will not give up their weapons unless we force them to give up their weapons unless we force them to.

Countries must stop the flow of their citizens from traveling to the region and joining Daesh.

And we have to prevent the supply of weapons and money to them.

And make sure that their oil will not be sold.

We have to fight them militarily after that.

Only two of her sisters, three of her brothers, and some of her nieces and nephews survived the genocide. Eighteen members of her family, however, were killed or remain missing, she told Committee Chair Ron Johnson (R-W.I.).



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