We Must Stop Hillary Clinton At All Costs. That Means We Must Stop Trump….

Source: The Resurgent | June 26, 2016 | Erick Erickson

We Must Stop Hillary Clinton At All Costs. That Means We Must Stop Trump. #FreeTheDelegates


What is most probable and more obvious each day is that with Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States. There is too much on the line for us to let that happen. The Supreme Court decisions this past week prove it. But to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming President, Republicans must stop Donald Trump from becoming the Republican nominee. Trump as the nominee makes it vastly more likely that Hillary Clinton will become President.

No amount of calls for rallying to Trump’s banner will help him. The Republican Party is already the smaller of the two major political parties. Even if I and all the Republicans who oppose him should suddenly support him, it would not be enough. His negatives are over 70%. He hovers around 30% in the polls. His fundraising is, politely, anemic. He is prone to gaffes of extraordinary size. He has no campaign apparatus to turn people out in November and his campaign surrogates have no compelling message to convert the undecided to supporters. His loudest existing supporters are seemingly working over time to turn off undecided voters and drive them into the arms of Hillary Clinton.


The only reason Donald Trump is not doing worse right now is because the Democrats have nominated Hillary Clinton. 50% of the country finds her unfavorable. But Donald Trump is still losing to her. The most recent Washington Post – ABC News poll shows that “so strong is many Americans’ opposition to Clinton and desire for a change in Washington that even some registering their disapproval of Trump say that as of now they feel compelled to vote for him.” But Trump still loses to Clinton in that poll by 12%, even with that level of disapproval for Clinton. The disapproval for Trump is even more.

One of the chief problems for the Republicans is that distrust and disapproval of Hillary Clinton is already baked into the polling. We all know she is corrupt. We all know the scandals. What more can be added to what we already know about Hillary Clinton pales in comparison to what the public has yet to learn about Donald Trump. As much as we know about Hillary Clinton to make us oppose her, the public is just about to experience a $100 million ad campaign about Donald Trump to tell the public things about Trump they do not yet know. Hillary’s negatives are baked in. Trump has not yet reached rocked bottom.

On top of that, Trump has less than $2 million in the bank, the Trump campaign has shuttered its Nevada office, barely has a presence in New Hampshire, and keeps claiming a grand and glorious operation without actually having one. Trump claims he will be competitive in California, New York, and Maryland. In the first and second, Trump got less votes winning than Bernie Sanders did losing in the Democratic primaries. In the third, the state’s Republican governor refuses to endorse Trump. Every time Trump announces a path forward in newly competitive states, polling shows that not only is he delusional, but Republican states are the ones that are becoming competitive for Clinton. Major Republicans, including the governors of Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio, and others refuse to endorse Trump.

Beyond the issues of Trump himself, the RNC has less money in its bank account in this Presidential cycle than any previous Presidential cycle in the past two decades. The Senate is now in jeopardy as is the House of Representatives. The RNC is seeing corporate sponsors flee the convention, which will require the RNC to cover more of the costs. All of these things are the direct result of Donald Trump being the presumptive Republican nominee. The fallout from Trump’s nomination is already affecting other races and overall GOP fundraising and Trump’s loss to Clinton will impact congressional races, gubernatorial races, and state legislative races.


We must stop Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is too flawed a vessel for the Republican Party to sail to victory against her. The delegates must unite and must reject any requirements to vote for Trump. To stop Hillary Clinton, they must stop Donald Trump. To stop Donald Trump, the delegates must free themselves. Donald Trump got only 44% of the vote in the primaries. In fact, Trump’s percentage of the primary vote on his way to the nomination was less than any Republican candidate in the modern era. Ford, Reagan, Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, and Romney all got a higher percentage of the vote in the primaries than Trump. Only Richard Nixon, in 1968, received a smaller percentage of the primary vote than Trump and went on to be the nominee. Trump’s supporters claim he got a record number of votes, which is true, but it fails to account for the other candidates getting massively more than him and it fails to account for the fact that even without Trump’s voters there was still a record turn out in the Republican Presidential primary season.

Draft Scott Walker. Pair him up with Ted Cruz. Unite all factions of the party. Then harness the energy of those who detest Hillary Clinton with those who detest Trump and who will be thankful for his replacement. That coalition can win. There is still time too. Fortuitously, the Republicans have set their convention in July instead of the end of August. We have one full month longer after the convention that lets us build up this new ticket.

Donald Trump will not win. He cannot unite the party and he cannot build a winning coalition. Disaster is upon us, but we still have time to stop it. If you oppose tyranny, you must oppose Trump. If you oppose Hillary Clinton, you must oppose Donald Trump. If you oppose unqualified and dangerous Presidential candidates, you must oppose Donald Trump. If you oppose defeat, you must oppose Trump.

The delegates must set themselves free for the good of the party, the country, and our shared future.

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