What would Cruz do if there were a GOP convention coup?

Source: Washington Examiner | June 26, 2016 | Ryan Lovelace

Top officials from Ted Cruz’s defunct campaign wouldn’t get in the way if delegates attempted to fell the GOP’s presumptive nominee at the Republican convention, but they are reluctant to become publicly involved in plotting any revolt.

Donald Trump has begun looking ahead to a general election, but some of Cruz’s former staff remain reluctant to board the “Trump train.” Many of Cruz’s supporters want to keep all of their options open as they proceed without any explicit public directive from the Texas senator.

Rick Tyler, a former Cruz campaign communications director who left in February, said he thinks Cruz would be willing to re-enter the 2016 race if the opportunity presents itself at the convention. But, Tyler said, he does not think the campaign is making an effort to change the rules to benefit Cruz because of how it would make them look like sore losers.

“If there was an independent effort that was successful, I could see a path, if they [delegates] denied Trump, for Cruz to win the nomination because he would effectively have the most delegates at the convention,” Tyler said. “Once the rules changed, then it would be a, that would be the start of a new day.”


Asked whether he would try to quash or dissuade Cruz supporters from seeking a rules change, Cuccinelli said, “We’re just standing back from it. We’re just not touching it.”


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #7384

    slhancock1948 #7389

    I think Cruz is smart to keep a safe distance. If the delegates actually revolt, then he has not lead it and doesn’t have his fingerprints on it. Should they then choose him, Trump would be upset, of course, but he’d have no one but himself to blame. He has been obnoxious, petty, disgusting, slandering, lying, and you name it this whole time. It’s too bad Trump didn’t enter sooner so we could have seen more of this before Iowa and NH, but it is what it is. We await the decision of the delegates at this time. I am not a prophet, so I have no idea what they’ll do. However, I am praying that they revolt and choose a sane person, a godly man and someone who have proven himself under duress to be presidential. That significantly narrows the field, to be honest.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

    ConstitutionalConservative #7392

    I trust the judgement of Ted Cruz, I think standing back is best when looking forward to 2020. I see the reasoning for dumping Trump and I support it but the terrible down side is getting a Rino who would probably lose to hillary.
    The GOPe is in disarray now and that is a good thing I think; but if by chance a Rino were to win the general, then all that would be accomplished is the strengthening and re-establishment of the GOP establishment.

    So Trump in; or Trump out there is no best case scenario without Cruz as I see it. The bottom-line remains… It is now and will be in the future (if after this election our Republic has a future)… CRUZ OR LOSE!

    ConservativeGranny #7393

    “I see the reasoning for dumping Trump and I support it but the terrible down side is getting a Rino who would probably lose to hillary.”

    The way I see it is that we already have that in Trump. Perhaps even worse than that as I think he is a complete fraud and a nutjob. At this point, at least to me it seems like there is nothing left to lose. I say they should go for it! If Cruz would step in I’d be more than ecstatic. Could he beat Hillary? I don’t know but I don’t think Trump can either.

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